Funkify the Fatigue

For the past four years I have cut out of Utah in January to run a yoga retreat some place with palm trees, the ocean and lots of sun. It's been an incredible way to bring in the New Year with a rad group of yogis, take a step away from winter and change up the routine for a couple of weeks. With the pandemic still gripping much of the planet this annual tradition has been postponed to January 2022. Today when I woke up and was having my morning cup of coffee I felt myself missing that we weren't getting ready to fly off somewhere and meet up with a group of rad folks. Trust me, I am fully aware that in the larger context this is a very privileged thing to be worrying about during a pandemic. With that being said, I knew it was time to throw on some funk music, make pancakes and get ready to go hike the Salt Lake foothills. Shazz and I loaded up in our electric Nissan Leaf - funk music pumping - and headed for the trail. We have both spent time in larger cities with limited access to the outdoors and 15 minutes later when we were stepping out into the hills we exclaimed how much we love living here. While we were hiking I told Shazz about waking up feeling bummed out that we weren't doing a yoga retreat this winter and after talking it over for a bit we highlighted how much cool stuff is happening right here at home and then landed on how much it will mean to do it next January. This picture of the two of us is from today's summit. The view was epic, the air was crisp, and the sun was shining. I know we are all experiencing the fatigue of this ongoing pandemic on some level. It helped me today to feel what I was feeling and then get that funk music going, my body moving and some sun on my face. Let me know how you are holding up and any tips you've got for funkifying that fatigue! Mucho Amor,